Since 2018, I ex­clu­sive­ly use the score writ­ing soft­ware Do­ri­co for all mu­sic en­grav­ing pro­jects.

I type­set your mu­si­cal ma­te­ri­al pro­fes­sio­nal­ly and in ac­cor­dance with your own con­cep­tion, no mat­ter what the in­stru­men­ta­tion or style. Sheet mu­sic can be sub­mit­ted to me in print or man­u­script, as well as in elec­tro­nic form (for ex­am­ple as pdf, xml, mid, sib, mus or graph­i­cal files). If de­sir­ed, I can con­duct a care­ful com­pa­ri­son of the un­der­ly­ing sour­ces be­fore type­set­ting the music.

Should you al­ready have cer­tain edi­to­ri­al guide­lines in mind, the score will be laid out ac­cord­ing­ly. Al­ter­na­tive­ly I will glad­ly pro­vide ad­vice on tai­lor­ing even the more ar­cane as­pects of mu­sic en­gra­ving ex­act­ly to suit your wish­es and requirements.

The lay­out of your mu­sic will be plan­ned and op­ti­mized to con­form to your spe­ci­fi­ca­tions and with par­ti­cu­lar con­cern that it be ori­en­ta­ted to­wards ac­tu­al mu­si­cal practice.