In ad­di­tion to co­py edit­ing / proof­read­ing and mu­sic en­grav­ing ser­vic­es I of­fer wide-rang­ing sup­port for mu­si­cal pro­jects in ge­ne­ral. My are­as of ex­per­tise include:

  • the ad­ap­ta­tion / ar­range­ment of ex­ist­ing mu­sic and the prep­a­ra­tion of pi­a­no re­duc­tions
  • pre­par­ing a dig­i­tized au­dio mock-up of your score
  • mu­si­co­log­i­cal re­search
  • the copy-writing and de­sign of pro­grammes and pub­lic­i­ty ma­te­ri­al for con­cert pro­jects
  • con­cept­u­al de­vel­op­ment and lo­gis­ti­cal plan­ning ac­cord­ing to your spe­ci­fi­ca­tions for con­cert pro­grammes and mu­si­cal events (my main fo­cus is on clas­sic­al and con­tem­po­ra­ry art music)
  • tran­scrib­ing a score from re­cord­ed mu­sic
  • trans­la­tions from Eng­lish in­to Ger­man and vice ver­sa (fo­cus­ing chief­ly on mu­si­cal texts)

Should I be un­a­ble to ac­com­plish the de­sir­ed task my­self, I shall en­deav­our to put you in touch with such col­leagues and as­so­ci­ates of mine as may be able to.