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Guy Bacos – com­po­ser and pia­nist, Montreal; of­fi­cial de­mo com­po­ser for Vien­na Sym­phonic Library

In the last year, I had the plea­sure of work­ing with Alex­an­der Plötz on some or­chest­ral pie­ces and a pia­no en­sem­ble work. I was quite im­pres­sed how he ta­kes the ne­ces­sa­ry time to ana­lyze the work be­fore tak­ing any fur­ther steps. Alex works with the goal of no­tat­ing what the com­po­ser's in­ten­tions are as op­po­sed to re­ly­ing only on the ori­gi­nal drafts which can of­ten be er­rone­ous and lead to wrong mu­si­cal in­ter­pre­ta­tions. I al­so ap­pre­cia­ted his ve­ry me­tho­di­cal and ef­fi­cient way of work­ing, which in­clu­des nu­mer­ous skype ses­sions as well as clear and de­tail­ed an­no­ta­tions of the ma­nu­script. In ad­di­tion Alex is fast, time­ly and de­di­cated.
Re­gard­ing the re­cent work he edit­ed and type­set for me, Christ­mas Chimes, I was ex­treme­ly pleased with the fi­nal re­sult and he de­fi­nite­ly helped raise the qua­li­ty of the work, mu­si­cal­ly as well as the ma­nu­script pre­sen­ta­tion. I don't tend to work with ma­ny people, but when I do find some­one, he stays on my list for any time I need his ser­vi­ces. Alex­an­der Plötz falls in­to that category.